Rust Cargo Workspaces

Cargo Workspaces is a feature of Rust’s package manager. Here’s a step-by-step tutorial on how to set up a workspace based on the rust official online doc.

Create a workspace root directory

Create a directory as the root of the a new workspace.

$ mkdir my_workspace
$ cd my_workspace

Initialize Cargo.toml and [workspace] section

Inside the workspace, create Cargo.toml file, add [workspace] section with member crates that going to be added to this file.

resolver = "2"
members = ["member1", "path/to/member2", "crates/*"]
exclude = ["crates/foo", "path/to/other"]
default-members = ["path/to/member2", "path/to/member3/foo"]

The members list also supports globs to match multiple paths, using typical filename glob patterns like * and ?.

So, for the sake of convenience, we can use crates/* to set all the sub directory under crates as member crates for the current workspace.

resolver = "2"
members = ["crates/*"]

Add Member Crates

Under the workspace root directory, use cargo new path [options] to create member crates. By the way, the path should be matched with one of members items in the [workspace] section of workspace root Cargo.toml.

cargo new crates/crate1 --lib --vcs none # Creates a new library crate  
cargo new crates/crate2 --bin --vcs none # Creates a new binary crate

Package selection

In a workspace, package-related Cargo commands like cargo build or cargo run can use the -p / --package command-line flags to determine which packages to operate on.

cargo run -p crate2
cargo add dependency -p crate1

The key points

The following key points of workspaces are copied from cargo/reference/workspaces.html
